V-Kol Media Ministries is made possible by the kind donations of those who believe in the work we do.
Existing Partners: Click here to manage your online profile directly.
All gifts are tax receiptable in Canada and the USA.
To donate in USD and receive a US tax receipt click here.
Thank you for your kindness in considering us in your charitable giving.
Charity Number: 891117772 RR0001 / Annual Financials: Click here.
When you partner with V-Kol Media, you are partnering with:
Faytene.tv productions
Humanitarian Partnerships & Child Sponsorships
Faytene/Robert Grasseschi’s Travelling Speaking Ministry
Our new studio property development project. Click here to find out more.
Ministry to viewers in prayer over the phone and through our prayer request intake form
Financial Accountability:
V-Kol Media books are managed by an external book-keeping company and reconciled regularly
The board of directors monitors expenditures, and reports are given to the board quarterly
The books are audited annually by a professional auditing firm
Annual filings are submitted to the CRA
Send a Gift by Mail:
To give a gift by mail in Canada, please send donations to:
V-Kol Media Ministries
P.O. Box 21045,
Quispamsis, NB
E2E 4Z4
(mail only)
To give a gift by mail in the USA, please send donations to:
V-Kol Media Ministries
12 Deerfield Dr. W Unit A
Webster, MA 01570
(mail only)
Partner Monthly by Credit Card:
Monthly partners are the financial backbone of V-Kol. We would be so grateful if you would consider joining the monthly partnership team. Please click here to sign up now for monthly partnership by credit card and choose the "Ongoing" option.
If you have any questions about partnership please e-mail us at info@v-kol.com and we will be happy to serve you.
Partnering Monthly by Cheque:
If you would like to give on a monthly basis by cheque please send cheques to: V-Kol Media Ministries at our mailing address below:
In Canada:
V-Kol Media Ministries
P.O. Box 21045
Quispamsis NB
E2E 4Z4 (mail only)
In the USA:
V-Kol Media Ministries
12 Deerfield Dr W Unit A
Webster, MA 01570 (mail only)
Partner Monthly by Auto Withdrawal Direct From Your Chequing:
If you would like to give on a monthly basis via direct debit from your chequing, simply click here and fill out the form.
Giving by E-Transfer:
E-Transfers can be sent to info@v-kol.com
When you send a gift, it will be auto-deposited. If you would like a tax receipt at the end of the year, please include your address in the memo.
Planned Giving & Estate Planning:
Some of our monthly partners are interested in leaving a gift to our work in their estate planning. For more information about this, please click here.
Monthly Partner Perks:
As a way of showing our appreciation to you for your monthly partnership, you will receive the following:
Access to our private partners-only Facebook group where Faytene and the team will interact with you.
Access to free personal development webinars hosted by V-Kol Media for our partners.
Quarterly Newsletters
Discounted Registration Rates at V-Kol Events
You will be prayed for by the team on a regular basis.
What The Bible Says About Partnership:
Paul acknowledged the church of Phillipi for how they stood with him financially so he could go forward in the work God had called him to (Phil 4:14-17). In verse 17, Paul says something amazing when he notes his motivation for asking for support, saying, “...Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.“
The biblical precedent for this type of partnership:
Mat. 27 indicates that there were women who travelled with Jesus to minister to His practical needs.
In Mat. 10, Jesus told his disciples to take nothing with them when they travelled to preach the gospel, declaring that a worker is worth their wages.
1 Tim 5. instructs us that those who preach and teach are worthy of support.
Partnership with the Levitical priests is outlined in the Old Testament, as the Israelites' offerings were brought to the temple so that the priest could be free to serve God full-time (without being tied up working in fields, etc.).